Wednesday, July 21, 2010

My Life: That Of a Typical Teenager Or Not?

Just when I thought my life couldn't get any harder or more stressful, it did. My dad is suing my mom to get the alimony reduced to a very minimal amount each month, and he's not even going to help put me through college! Yes, I thought my life couldn't get any worse before the news, but obviously, it can. Actually, life seemed to be getting better before that bombshell was dropped in our laps. Now I don't even talk to him at all. I ignore his texts, calls, and other methods of attempting to contact me. I'm just so pissed at him, even though it's been a month and a half since I was told of his plans. I know that if I get any more pissed at him (which I usually do in our conversations, don't ask), I'll blow a fuse and go off on him and scream. I'm avoiding him to preserve my sanity! How's that for irony? A girl's father making her insane.

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